Bangla is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, with over 250 million speakers. It is the official language of Bangladesh and one of the 22 official languages of India. If you want to reach this large and diverse audience, you might want to create a WordPress site in Bangla or add Bangla language support to your existing site.

WordPress is a popular and powerful platform for creating websites and blogs. It supports over 100 languages, including Bangla. You can easily create a WordPress site in Bangla or add Bangla language support to your existing site by following these steps:

Step 1: Install WordPress
If you don't have a WordPress site yet, you need to install WordPress on your web server or use a hosting service that offers WordPress. You can download WordPress from or use a one-click installer from your hosting provider.

Step 2: Choose a Bangla theme or plugin
WordPress offers many themes and plugins that are compatible with the Bangla language. You can browse and install them from your WordPress dashboard by going to Appearance > Themes or Plugins > Add New. You can also search for "Bangla" in the WordPress theme or plugin directory at or

Some of the popular themes and plugins that support the Bangla language are:

Step 3: Configure your WordPress settings
Once you have installed a Bangla theme or plugin, you need to configure your WordPress settings to enable Bangla language support. You can do this by going to Settings > General and changing the Site Language to "বাংলা". This will change the language of your WordPress dashboard and front end.

You can also change the Timezone, Date Format, Time Format, and Week Starts On settings according to your preferences.

Step 4: Create and publish your content
Now you are ready to create and publish your content in Bangla. You can use the WordPress editor or WPBakery Page Builder to create posts and pages in Bangla. You can also use Polylang to translate your content into other languages if you want to create a multilingual site.

You can also add widgets, menus, and other elements to your site using the Appearance > Widgets and Appearance > Menus options in your WordPress dashboard.

Creating a WordPress site in Bangla or adding Bangla language support to your existing site is easy and convenient with WordPress. You just need to install WordPress, choose a Bangla theme or plugin, configure your settings, and create your content.

WordPress is a great platform for creating websites and blogs in any language, including Bangla. It offers many features and options that make it flexible and customizable. You can also extend its functionality with thousands of themes and plugins available online.

If you want to create a WordPress site in Bangla or add Bangla language support to your existing site, follow these steps and enjoy the benefits of reaching a large and diverse audience.

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